Thursday, September 13, 2007

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Check out the video below. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Here are some stats about Childhood Cancer

Every year almost 3,000 children die of cancer.
*The national government recently cut the budget for funding of pediatric cancer research.
*Currently there are 30,000-40,000 children being treated for cancer in the US.
*As a nation, each year we spend 14 billion dollars per year on the space program and only 35 million on childhood cancer.

Childhood cancer can affect any child - from newborns to teenagers. There is no known cause . . . no one knows why some children get cancer . . . and no one knows why some children get better and some children don't.

But we do know that cancer is the NUMBER ONE disease killer of our children - taking more lives than AIDS, asthma, cystic fibrosis and diabetes combined! And we do know that 14,000 children are diagnosed each year and sadly 20% - about 2800 of those diagnosed will not survive.

And most importantly we do know that RESEARCH is the only way to find a CURE! Research is the only HOPE for the 40,000 children currently in treatment for cancer. We have to work together to find a cure . . . to stop this disease from taking more precious innocent lives.


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