Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Heart Faces!! Halloween Dress Up!!

This week's challenge is "Halloween Dress up". The picture I have chosen was taken last year. My oldest wanted to be a Zombie Skater Punk. I didn't want to pay all the money at the local Halloween store so we came up with our own version. That was my favorite costume so far. Head on over to I Heart Faces to see some more amazing pics. But don't forget to leave the love!

I will be linking my blogs together for these challenges. I can't get the button to work on the photography blog without changing the layout. I don't really care for the other layouts. So if you want to see this picture more clearly, then click here to see it better.


Imaginale Design said...

Yikes! That is scary! And you did that on your own? You are a natural make-up artist! :)

Martie said...

Yowza!! Scary! I'll bet he had a blast.

Pam D said...

Hey y'all! Lookin' for pics from last night.. I hope you were able to go out for at least a little while. It was coooold and drizzly, but not so bad that we couldn't make it to a few houses. We went to B'stone and went up and down a few streets; they started turning out the lights at 8:30, and by then, Adam was cold and ready to head home. It was low-key, but he really enjoyed himself. We saw Steven this a.m. as we were leaving K-Rock.. I'm teaching again next week, so hopefully they can be together then. What a crazy life we all leaad......

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