Monday, March 15, 2010

Such a proud Mama!

Today I went to the boys' conferences with their teachers. I really never worry about going, but there is always a "fear" in the back of my mind as to what they are up to. Matthew's teacher has reaffirmed to me that he is doing very well in Kindergarten. She told me is very ready for 1st grade and she believes he will flourish. Well that just swelled my heart to hear that.

Steven's conference went very well too. Steven reminds me of me when I was his age. I always did the minimum to get by. Don't get me wrong, I did well in school, but my heart really was never into it. Well I have noticed at home that he is just really coming into his own. His teacher went over his grades and showed me the progress from the beginning of the year til now and WOW!!! Vast improvement!! There are still some things we need to work on, but really nothing to complain about. So since we have left the school, I have been on cloud 9. I am so grateful that my boys are doing so well in school. We got some pretty terrific teachers this year.


Anonymous said...

Yay for the boys! :) This teacher is proud too!


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