Monday, July 27, 2009

"I Don't"

Here is another game that I got from Grammy Girlfriend. It is a list of my TOP 10 I DON'T LIST.

10. I DON'T like bugs.

9. I DON'T like math. Once you get past 2+2, I am lost.

8. I DON'T like driving on the interstate.

7. I DON'T do yard work, unless I absolutely have to.

6. I DON'T like pork, I DON'T cook pork. The only pig meat to cross my lips is bacon. It's not a religious thing. I just don't like the texture or taste. It may also have something to do with the fact that I LOVE pigs.

5. I DON'T dust. I despise it!! Hey that is a great chore for kids right!

4. I DON'T buy anything for full price. It has to be on clearance or on sale or I have to have a coupon.

3. I DON'T like say no to many activities for either church or school. (gotten a lot better.)

2. I DON'T like the fact that I am having to think this hard for things that I don't do.

1. I DON'T like seeing children (especially mine) hurt or made fun of. (course what parent does)

Now it's your turn. DON'T forget to head on over to Grammy Girlfriend to check out more, "I DON'T" lists.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. apart from bugs and pigs, we're pretty much twins. I mean, I DO like pigs, but I also do like me some good ribs or ham or bbq. But the rest is pretty much the same, so what do you say we go shopping sometime while the dust continues to settle on our respective furniture?

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