Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving a pumpkin

Last night we carved a pumpkin for Halloween. Steven was all over sticking his hands inside to pull out the insides. Matthew didn't like it but he did help a little. Kendall wanted NOTHING to do with it. We had fun doing it and I think it turned out so good.

It was a fun night with the family. Unfortunately the whole night was not fun. As we were putting out the pumpkin we noticed lots of activity in our neighborhood. I went to check it out and found a house on fire. The whole house went up in flames. As far as I know right now, no one was home at the time except three dogs, which didn't make it. The lady of the house came home and when she opened the front door smoke and flames came shooting out. The fire was so hot that it melted the siding on one of the houses next to it and warped the window frames. I drove by it this morning and that family lost everything in the house. Luckily they didn't loose what is most important, their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Things can be replaced. It is just extra sad because it is the beginning of the holidays. Please take time to say a prayer for this family. I will update as I get updates.


Pam D said...

Let me know what the family needs... if they have kids, clothes sizes, etc. The pumpkin is VERY cool! Adam loves pumpkin guts, but this year, he drew on it with a marker. Maybe we'll carve it out tonight.... you've inspired me!

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