Monday, October 13, 2008

Can you see the resemblance?

I was thinking of what I could write about in between now and when it's time to post for the kid's birthday party. I was looking through some pictures and was struck by how neat it is that my kids look so similar, yet they each have personalities that is so different from each other. I found pictures where the kids were doing the same pose or had the same look on their faces at the same age. Or they were dressed the same. I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I had too much fun. Take a look...

The first ones are in the hospital after each child was born. It is neat to see how my "little" family has grown through the years.

The next two are both when Matthew and Kendall played Baby Jesus in the Christmas program at First Baptist Church of Smyrna.



The interesting thing about those two pictures (other than the part that they are playing) is it is the same guys holding them up.

The next two are Steven and Kendall. Both pictures were taken in the hospital during the first day of their lives. They have similar poses.

The next two are Steven and Kendall again.

The next two are just too funny. They are Matthew and Kendall. They were both taken at their 18 month pictures.

The next three are from the kid's 1st birthdays. Do my kids know how to have fun or what?!?

The next three are the kids when their daddy held them for the first time.

The next three are from when I got to hold them for the first time.

The next two are from the same day, but both Steven and Matthew were watching television and had the same bored look on their face.

The next two are Matthew and Kendall. It was Matthew's 2nd Halloween and Kendall's first. They had the same Dumbo costume.

The next few are of other family members, but it is still neat to see the resemblance.

This one is of my nephews, Jackson and Harrison. They have the same bored look on their faces and their hands are folded the same. (FYI, they look bored because they were watching a video before they could go play at a jumpy place)

This one is of Brian's sister, Kathy, his mom, and Aunt Susan. It was at his surprise 30th birthday party and they were trying to get a line dance started.

The next (and last I promise) is of my mom and Kendall. They have very similar expressions on their faces.


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