Thank you to all service men and women who have served or are serving our country!! THANK YOU!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Heart Faces!! "Blurb Photo Book" Contest
This week at I Heart Faces there is something different going on. All photos that are submitted in either the professional or amateur contests are in the running for having their picture chosen to go into the I Heart Faces blurb photo book contest. I am obviously gonna enter in the amateur category. You can only enter ONE picture and there can only be one or two faces in the picture.
Man I had a hard time choosing a picture this time. I decided just to flip through all my recent pictures from this month and I chose this one.This is Kendall and one of her cousins on Mother's Day. I just think it is so sweet! To see more pictures and possibly enter a picture of your own head on over to I Heart Faces. Don't forget to leave some love.
"I am submitting this photo into the Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Faces web sites."
Posted by The Foster Home at 12:43 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
What did YOU do this weekend?
Wow, can't believe today's almost over. Can't wait for the weekdays to recuperated from the weekend. Yesterday we took the kids to a Braves game. Steven has been before and Matthew was an infant the last time we went. I guess "technically" it was just Kendall's first game, but it will be the first one that Matthew will remember. We only stayed til about the 7th inning. The kids were DONE!! Brian and I are hoping to go to another one this summer, sans kids.
Luckily the field has a "Sky Field" for the kids to go play on. They got to run a base. They LOVED it, and quite frankly so did Brian and I.
And my favorite part of watching the game....
"But that looks like fun" you say. Well, it was, but today has been a whole new story. Miss K decided she wanted to play in the sink after going to the restroom. She plugged up the hole and preceded to FLOOD THE FLIPPIN BATHROOM! Matthew went down to the garage and came back up and said, "I think it's raining downstairs". I ran upstairs to see what was going on, while Brian ran down. Yep! I wished I would have believed Steven when he said that Kendall had flooded the bathroom. I was thinking she just knocked over the cat's water bowl and there was just a little water on the floor. OH how I wish. We were lucky though, thanks to the boys we caught it early and there was no damage done. Whew!! Course it did go into our closet where the cat's litter boxes are. You know what happens with water and litter? A BIG NASTY MESS.
All is well in the Foster home now. Everything is cleaned and dried. I didn't get what I wanted to get done today but, hey I had something to blog about. Can't be all bad right?!?
Posted by The Foster Home at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
This week's theme is bloopers. I have a tendency to erase the pictures that I mess up on. The main reason being the person that is in the picture makes me promise not to show those pictures to anyone, and the best way to not do that is to delete the pictures. However, I do have a few...
This was taken at Matthew's first birthday. He had reached over right as I was going to take a picture of his messy face, and grabbed my mother's rear end. As you can see he left his mark.
This picture is of my nephew who decided to creep up on the camera as I was zooming in on him. EXTREME CLOSE UP!!
This next one is blurry and a big whoops. This is what happens when you have a party at a place that is as much fun (if not more) for the adults as the kids. Lack of supervision.
(Just an FYI, both girls were fine)
Head on over to Kiss the Frog 4 Me to see many more blooper pics, and don't forget to leave them some love.
Posted by The Foster Home at 9:24 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wordless Wednesday....well mostly
Steven and his den saluting a flag that was being retired.
My nephew, obviously wasn't too happy with me for taking this picture.
Posted by The Foster Home at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
I Heart Faces!! Laughter
This week's them is Laughter and here are my picks.
Adult EntryThis picture was taken at Brian's 30th birthday party a few years ago. Brian's family loves to dance. They were trying to remember the steps to a song that was playing.
Kid's Entry...
Miss Priss got a hold of a sharpie in her Sunday School class and decided to color all over the BRAND NEW DRESS. She thought it was so funny!
Head on over to I Heart Faces to see some more pics. Don't forget to leave everyone some love.
Posted by The Foster Home at 9:53 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Time to play catch up
Today I figured it was time to do a quick little update on the family. I seem to have gotten caught up in all the picture "contests". Well here goes (not like there is too much going on)...
Hmmm, where to start...well for Spring Break we did a whole lotta NOTHING!! I met some friends at Chuck E. Cheese one day and one day took the kids to my mom's work so she could see her grand kids and show them off. The rest of the break was filled with video games, movie watching, outside play and just overall laziness.
Easter was fun. We all got tons of candy (we are starting to throw it away now). It was also nice because when we talked to the boys about the real meaning of Easter they both could tell us and they both said how thankful to Jesus they are for what He did for them. We celebrated at my grandmother's house on Saturday and my mother-in-law's house on Easter Sunday in the afternoon. Our church had a WONDERFUL performance, complete with rainfall.
Steven sailed through his CRCTs at school and I am glad they are over. He has just a few more weeks of school left. I can't believe he will be done with 3rd grade so soon. Wasn't he just born? His 9th birthday was on April 15 and he wanted to celebrate with a lunch with family at Golden Corral. We went to Mountasia afterwards and rode Go-Karts, Bumper Boats and played some Putt-Putt golf. It was gorgeous day outside. The batteries for my camera were dying, so luckily I had a fellow "photographer" there. (we are both learning, but she is by far way better than I am), and she saved the day with pictures. Here are some pictures I took
Here is the cake I made..

Here is a slideshow of some of the pics Pam D took for me.
You can click here to see the video of Steven getting his gift from us. If you didn't see the little montage that I did for Steven for his birthday you can click here.
Matthew is winding up his last year in Pre-K. I can't believe he is almost in Kindergarten. Lil Miss K is growing like a weed. She is talking more and more and continues to be potty trained. I am still so impressed with this.
Brian is still enjoying being very involved with Steven and the scouts. He is still enjoying his job with Georgia Tech Research Institution. We actually went to Stone Mountain a couple of weeks ago for GTRI's 75th Anniversary. Everything was free and we stayed and enjoyed the laser show. The kids had a blast. I am finishing up my first year at my new place of employment at First Baptist Church of Dallas Preschool. It has taken some adjustment with how a new school works and making new friends, but it's coming along. I look forward to returning next year.
We are gearing up for a fun filled summer. We are kicking off the summer with a wedding then the beach for over a week. I so can not wait. I love the beach. The wedding will take place in Charleston. One of Brian's cousins is getting married. We will head over to Folly Beach when the wedding festivities are over.
Well I guess that is it. So much a for a short post. Ha ha gotcha!!
Posted by The Foster Home at 1:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
I Heart Faces!! HATS
I am so excited this week because I have pictures to enter in both the kids and adult categories.
I will start with the Adult's Category
This was taken last weekend during our day at Stone Mountain. Now anyone that knows my husband and I knows that we are definitely a house divided. I have one more thing to add to that...GO DAWGS!! hee hee
The next photo for the Kid's Entry was a little more difficult. I had a hard time choosing which one, but after thinking more and more about it I chose this one...
I picked this one because of all the personality it portrays. Steven is about 7 years old in this picture.
Wanna see more pictures? Then head on over to I Heart Faces and check em out. Don't forget to leave people some love and let them know you visited, even if you don't know them.
Posted by The Foster Home at 12:37 PM 8 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Today's theme was actually a little difficult today. I don't have very many pictures of anyone running. But when I saw the title I had thought of one particular picture but I had already used it in another theme, but it cracks me up every time I see it. I stumbled across the picture below and really liked it because you can see the joy of an Easter Egg hunt in the kids' eyes. Face it, you can see their competitive spirit too!
I was staring at the picture and noticed Matthew. That kid it is too funny!! I guess hanging your tongue out of your mouth makes you run faster and find those eggs.
Go check out Kiss the Frog 4 Me to see some more running pictures!!
Posted by The Foster Home at 6:01 PM 1 comments
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