Monday, February 9, 2009


When your child is born you wish that they are able to make friends. You hope that these friends will be good to your child. You hope that they learn GOOD things from them. You hope that your child is able to have a good time and make a life long friendship. This can teach your child that everyone is different. It can teach your child to care about people other than family. Your child's friend can teach your child how families can be different. You hope your child makes many memories with their friends. Well this has been one of my hopes and prayers for my children. I have many friends that I have been friends with for quite a while. While we may not see each other that often, but we can pick up the phone or chat via Facebook anytime we want and each of us knows that we will be there for each other at the drop of a hat.

I think Steven has made some really good friends. One of them is the Bug Hunter. Steven met him at church years ago, but last year their friendship has really blossomed. They have spent the night at each other's houses. Steven has gone home with him after church many times. I feel kinda bad because his mom seems to do all of the inviting. I try not to use the excuse of having the other two Foster children with us, but let's face it, we can't do as much as the Bug Hunter's awesome mom can do. And I mean she is AWESOME. They live in a boy's paradise and I think Steven would much rather go over there.

Steven went over there yesterday after church. Not much was planned, they just wanted to go play in the dirt. I met them at Wal-Mart about 4:30 to pick up Steven. We both had to run in to get a few things, so the boys got to spend extra time with each other. Well the Bug Hunter had this "super cool Omnitrix watch" (if you have boys you should know what this is, if you don't know will, trust me), that he out of the sweetness of his heart gave to Steven. I told the Bug Hunter that he didn't have to give anything to Steven, that being able to play together was gift enough. Well both he and his super awesome mom, had already made up their minds that Steven treasured this toy and he could have it. I just thought, how cool. She has already had Steven over numerous times and she has taken them to the new TELLUS museum. This family is very special, not only to Steven but to our family. I know that when Steven is in their presence and care that I have NO worries. Steven comes home with more knowledge (mostly of bugs, YUCK!), and more love in his heart for others. They also seem to have very deep conversations too. Just go check out her blog and check out her newest post and get a little glimpse of one of them. I pray that this friendship continues.


Pam D said...

Awwww... that was so sweet! Thank you... I'll have to read it to the bug hunter tomorrow! Look at him with that kitty... and so wide awake, too! Thanks, Jessica.. we are really glad that you're our friends, too! (((Hugs))) (and hey, I did NOT ID anyone in that interesting conversation.. on purpose... ;<)

Pam D said...

BTW.. I just posted on top of my Not Me post.. so if someone checks out my newest post, they might get confused. Hopefully, they'll get blessed, too, but definitely confused...

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