Friday, February 13, 2009

Let me just say...

there is nothing worse than having a sick child. Matthew has had a nasty cold all week. It started last Friday and he is finally getting to wear he is looking more like himself. He still has a nasty cough, but hasn't had a fever in about 48 hours. Let's just say that I am glad my kids have the whole week off next week. Time to get away from the schools and the cooties. Hopefully the cleaners can come in an throw buckets of disinfectant down and we can start fresh. I know your child is going to get sick while at school, but being exposed to the flu, strep, stomach viruses all at the same time and and for over a month is ridiculous.

Now the fun begins...what to do with my Foster children this week?!?


Pam D said...

We're off on Monday.... :<) and you DO have Adam's party on Wed. afternoon. So we'll do OUR part to help you fill up the week!

Jason said...

You know, if Fed Ex would deliver them I would love to take my nephews and niece off your hands for a while. Show them how Uncle Jason rolls. You might have to retrain them when you get them back but I'm sure it is nothing you don't already do when they go to their grandparents.

Tell my litte buddy Matthew that I hope he starts feeling better.

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