Thursday, July 10, 2008

The results are in....

Well we got the test results from pathology today. Now before I say what it is, it wasn't the news we were hoping for we already kind of knew.

Well it is cancer. The name of it is Seminoma. The good news is that the doctor believes he got it when he did the surgery to remove the testicle. Brian is scheduled for a CT scan on the 24th of this month. He will also have to do radiation therapy. (This is from my understanding all part of the protocol). This type is very sensitive to radiation so if there is anything left the radiation should get it. Brian had blood drawn prior to the surgery and all of that came back normal, so in my opinion that sounds good. Now I know I am not a doctor.

Like I said before we both kind of knew what the answer would be, we were just hoping for something else. Either way we are not worried. We know that God is in control and He will see us through this. We are no longer going to base our days around what is going on. We know what it is and we will deal with it when the time comes.

On the recovery from the surgery, Brian is doing well. He had a little fluid build up underneath the incision, but the doctor drained it and put him on antibiotics to make sure infection doesn't set in. This morning it looked so good, but we are continuing to keep an eye on it. The doctor said that this in normal and can happen sometimes.

Brian's spirits seem to still be good. He is excited about this weekend. He is going on his guys weekend as planned, however, he will be coming home a night early because he has sound at church. I think it will be good for him to go. Not only for him to be with his friends, but for me. I am not used to having him here 24/7. He will be going back to work on Monday after his next dr.'s appointment. They want to check the incision again and he had to fill out some paper work for the CT.

So needless to say we have had a very "different" couple of weeks. But thanks to family for making dinner (even though that really was not needed, but greatly appreciated). I know that I would not been able to get through this without God. I have been praying daily and I have noticed every time I get done praying I feel so good and I know He has taken this burden from my shoulders and put it on his.

Well I guess that is it. Please continue to keep praying for Brian and I.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Thanks for the update. I have been waiting to hear the results and, although it wasn't what you were hoping for, I'm glad to hear that the Lord has been gracious and is carrying you through. Praise God for the good prognosis. Know that we are here if you need anything at all during the treatment phase.


Ben and Angela said...

Jessica and Brian,
I'm choked up now knowing how difficult receiving and sharing this news must be. As someone who has been there and done that, I truly believe that God will bring about total healing from this!!! I will pray for you both because this is hard on spouses too. PLEASE let me know if you should need a sitter, dinner, or anything and I mean that.

Angela and Ben

Anonymous said...


Thank you for letting us know. Your total reliance upon God and the peace that He is giving you is a testimony and will bring Him much glory. I don't know how people who don't know the Lord survive things like this. Please know that you, Brian and the entire family are in our prayers. Please let us know if ever there is anything we can do for you.

Love Julie and Luke

Anonymous said...

We're so sorry to hear to hear this news, and we're definitely praying for all of you.

Natalie and Kirk

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