Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh Where, Oh Where, Oh Where did summer go?

Well summer break is winding down, and let me tell you I have one little boy who is not too thrilled about having to go back to school. I am hoping after the open house at his school on Thursday he might change his mind a little. Here's to hoping, huh?!

Brian had a follow up appointment with his urologist last week and he wants him to do a "short course" of radiation. Which is actually what we wanted to do. We are waiting to hear from the radiologist for a time to start and how many treatments he will have. Brian has almost healed completely from his surgery and his spirits have remained high throughout this whole ordeal.

Our new furniture will arrive tomorrow and I can not wait. I will put up pictures when the whole room is done and completely painted. A strange thing happened today, actually right before I sat down to write this. I hear a knock at the door and I just thought it might be some of the neighborhood kids wanting the boys to come out and play. Well I was finishing up getting lunch prepared so the kids would be busy so I could do this. Well, Steven was "occupied" at the time so he never answered the door and the knocking was persistent. Anyway, we opened the door and there was the man asking if we would be willing to sell our old Mazda. That thing has been sitting in my driveway, not running for about a year. I was like "yeah, how much ya wanting to pay?" Well he looked at it did a few things, got the car started and said sold. The car really isn't worth much, so we made $300.00, which is good considering even that is high. Well I signed over the title and wrote up a bill of sale. How strange was that? The guy is a mechanic and that car is a mechanic's dream. The engine isn't one big computer so you can actually work on it yourself.

We went to Illinois at the beginning of the month. We haven't been up there in 4 years. Steven goes up regularly with my parents, but as a family we haven't gone in ages. Every year we have the Conner Family Reunion and in the past we have been unable to go because Steven always starts school the Monday after. Since he doesn't start till later, we decided now is the time to go. We had a great time seeing family we haven't seen in a while. Everyone got to meet Kendall for the first time and see Matthew since he was a baby himself. I got to meet my nephew Hayden who I haven't met yet and he just turned a year old. I also got to see my other nephew, Kinnick. I don't remember how old he was the last time I saw him. It was a very uneventful trip there and back, but it was good to get home. I am such a home body that I don't like sleeping other places and I love to get back in my own bed as soon as I can.

I got a phone call on the way up there from the school Matthew is to attend this fall. I had filled out an application there and they called to see if I could come in for an interview. I said yes, so after we got back I went in for the interview. They were impressed, as was I. I would love to work there. The only thing that might prevent that is they don't have any one year classes, so I would have to find someone to watch her. This person would have to be willing to do it cheap or by trading duties. So it might be more trouble than it is worth. I am not worrying about it yet, since I haven't been offered a job yet. Everything that has happened over this summer has taught me to give it up to God, and that is what I am doing. The right job will come along. I am however, a sub right now and that is probably just fine.

I guess that catches us up. I have more pictures, but since the other summer video was getting so long I made a new video, titled Summer 2008 part 2. The pictures are mainly from our trip to Illinois. We went through some parts that had been flooded not too long before we went through. I got some good shots of that.


Ben and Angela said...

You put me to shame because I'm so slow to update our blog. That's mostly because our pictures are on the main computer that I don't use very often. Thanks for keeping us updated about Brian!

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