Monday, August 18, 2008

Steven is a 3rd Grader

Well, Steven is officially a 3rd grader. After much moaning and groaning and "I don't wanna go to school because they make you do homework", he made it. He came home all smiles. He did have the dreaded "HOMEWORK" but he got over it. After he had his snack and did his homework and reading he realized that he could still go outside and play. The only difference is he won't be outside ALL day long just a couple of hours. That boy loves the outdoors. I think he would enjoy school more if it was in a tent and 100 degrees. He said he made a couple new friends and saw some friends that he has had in previous years. I did get a couple of pictures and he actually let me take one of him IN the classroom where there happened to be a couple of his peers. I was shocked.


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