Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm employeed

I gots me a new job. I am so excited. It is what I have been wanting for a while. I will be teaching at MGF's school in the 2year, 2day class. I will be able to keep K with me as well. I will be the assistant which is fine, since I don't fully know the place yet. It is perfect because it still gives me time at home and to do things with SDF's school. It won't be much money, but enough to help get us through the months, since BDF only gets paid once a month. I love that I can keep K with me as well. It gets her out of the house and around other kids. MGF is so excited. He is used to having me teach where he goes to school. Anyway, just wanted to let y'all know.

God is good!!


Pam D said...

Hooray! I'm glad it worked out. I know at MY house, if mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy! So if you're happy, it's all good...

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