Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a great time last night. The kids got so much candy, and mommy and daddy got great exercise. You wanna see what the kids were?

Can you guess what Steven was? He labeled it "Zombie Skater Punk."

For you Star Wars fans you should know what Matthew was...but for those of you that have never seen the movies, he was a Storm Trooper.

I had to take two different angle pictures of Kendall to get her whole costume. She was our little Care Bear.

The rest are just a few random pics that we got. I love Halloween and the excitement leading up to it. I do have to say that I am not sad that it is over now. Let the holidays begin. As you can tell I love Christmas music and I just can't let myself play Christmas music before Halloween is over. I gotta let each holiday have it's day, so to speak. Hope everyone had a great Halloween.


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