Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It is going to be a rough 4 years coming, but we can all know that God is in control. He has a plan for everything and although we might not know yet what it is. I am just afraid that some people voted the way they did because they wanted a black president and didn't look at what he stands for. Don't get me wrong, I have NOTHING against the color of his skin, just the color of his heart. I can't believe people wanted someone who won't put his hand on his heart for our National Anthem, an anthem that is for the country he is gonna be president for, this bothers me so bad. What is he gonna put his hand on when it comes to the Inauguration? Not going to get all into this, because I am just giving up my worries and fears and yes anger to God and let him handle everything. He is the only one that can. I just wanted to come here and get this off my chest.


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