Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The "right" reason to vote?

We went to vote this morning. We only had to wait about 45 minutes, if that. What was really interesting about it is the boys were really interested in the process, especially Steven. They have been studying about the Democratic process in school. They did a mock election too. Needless to say I was very proud to say that when he told me that 15 students voted for McCain and only 3 voted for Obama. I do however have a concern that he didn't know who was running for VP for either party. He told me that since we (Brian and I) were talking so much about voting for McCain that he decided to vote for him as well. I asked Steven if they talked about each candidate and what they stood for and he told me no. Now I understand that at this age they may not understand everything, but I just wish that they would let the kids know that they need to educate themselves about who they will be voting for and not just vote for someone because their parents are voting for or who there friends are voting for. Of course that also gave us a clue that we as is parents need to take up where his class left off and talk to him a little on each candidate. We just went over the basics but I think it helped him get really excited about today (or so we thought). When it came time for us to go cast our ballet I took Matthew with me and Brian had Kendall and Steven. Matthew watched what I did and asked a couple times what I was doing, but not too much (not that I was expecting a 5 year old to ask profound political questions, even if I do think he will be some type of public figure when he gets older). Brian was able to walk Steven through each of his votes and show him the names and Steven got to see up close the whole process. I was done before them and was already at the car and Steven came out with a smile on his face. I thought it was because he was excited about what he did this morning, until he asked "Is it time to go get our free Starbucks now?" Yes folks, he did listen to all of our teaching and I am thankful for that, but he also listened to me telling Brian about free cup of coffee for the voters. That little stink. We bought him a hot chocolate since he was there, but didn't technically cast a vote. He said, "I can't wait til I'm 18 so I can vote and get my own cup of coffee". Well whatever gets him to the polls.

Keep praying for our nation and pray that the right person gets into office.


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