Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kendall is turning 2!!

I'm doing this a day early, because I will be busy tomorrow. Oh and I just couldn't wait. My baby girl will be 2 YEARS OLD tomorrow. I can't believe it. We already had her party with her friends. Tomorrow night we will be doing a family party. Can't wait. So that is what I will be busy doing tomorrow, cooking the dinner and baking the cake. Well I couldn't go without making another little slide show. There are a lot of pictures. That is because I got a wonderful camera after she was born so of course I had to use it. I condensed the slide show as much as I could, but it is still long...about 20 minutes or so. Enjoy and don't forget to leave comments. I need the love. There is a "comments" button below the posts that you can leave them on here. Also, don't forget to turn off the music player above.


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