Friday, April 24, 2009

8 Things

I figured since I was already posting pictures about me that I would go ahead and do a survey about me (that I was tagged in to do by my dear friend).

Copy and Paste and let me know when you do.

8 Things I am Looking Forward To:
1. Getting our debt paid off
2. Our vacation in June
3. The wedding that starts off our vacation in June
4. Going to Stone Mountain all day tomorrow
5. The fact that Stone Mountain will be FREE all day tomorrow (through the hubby's work)
6. Steven finishing up the CRCT's next week
7. This summer
8. Heading up to Illinois in August for a family reunion

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Took Steven to the dentist
3. Tried to see the hubby at work (but he was actually working so we couldn't =))
4. Caught up on some shows on the TIVO
5. Contemplated going to be at 7:00 (the same time I put the kids to bed)
6. Grabbed a McDonald's sweet tea on the way to work.
7. Ate Spaghetti o's for dinner (guess I should get to the grocery store huh?)
8. Prayed for so many "blog friends"

8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Have a day to myself
2. Take away everyone's sorrows (see #8 above)
3. Get motivated to do some cleaning
4. Just throw away all the dirty dishes and have the money to buy new, instead of having to do the dishes
5. Go back to school (which I will do when K starts school)
6. Move into a bigger home (hopefully in a couple of years)
7. Convince my children to clean up after themselves
8. Get outside and do some yard work (can't right now because of allergies)

8 Shows I Watch
1. One Tree Hill
2. Deadliest Catch
3. House
4. American Idol
5. Rescue Me
6. Real World/Road Rules Challenge
7. The Hills (can you see that I don't like to use my brain much at night =)
8. Chopped (Food Network)

I tag...Jason ,Tori ,and Heather


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