Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break 09

Spring break officially started last Friday, but I was home with a sick little girl. I had taken Matthew and Kendall to the doctor on Wednesday for their yearly check ups. After telling Matthew that Kendall was getting 4 shots and he may get about 1 or 2 shots, K didn't get any and he ended up getting 4 shots. Needless to say mommy felt really bad and we made a stop by Target to get a little boy a new toy. He forgave me after that =). Thursday morning K woke up with a fever (go figure, the one that didn't get any shots), but I gave her a dose of motrin and she was fine the rest of the day. She woke up in the middle of the night and just could really go back to sleep. All day Friday she was tired and feverish. I was supposed to have my first softball game that night, but opted to stay home with her. Just can't go out and have fun when I have a little one at home that doesn't feel well.

She felt decent on Saturday, which was a good thing since we had a birthday party to go to as well as an awesome date night with my hubby. My mother in law got Brian and brother in law, Marc tickets to see Brian Regan. She included me and my sister in law and childcare in that deal. All 5 of her grandchildren spent the night. (don't worry her sister came to help) We met some friends who happened to have tickets too, for dinner at Longhorn and then after the show we went to Krispie Kreme and got some hot donuts, mmmmmmmmmm.

Sunday we picked up the kids and went to one of Brian's aunt's house for dinner. It was a different one from the night before, but another one of his mom's sisters. One of Brian's cousins was in town with her little one. She had a test to take, not quite sure what it was for, but she is a doctor/becoming a doctor. She is starting her residency soon. Anyway, we got to meet this little one for the first time...

how cute is he?!?! It was a great way to end the busy, but fun weekend.

Today the kids and I met up with some friends of mine at Chuck E. Cheese then went to lunch at McDonald's. It was a nice time to spend with some friends. The boys had a blast, and I am assuming Kendall did too.

Whew!! This turned out to be a pretty long post. And this is just the beginning of the break. Don't know what else I really have planned this week, but will tell you all about it when something happens.

I have some more pictures to share from Matthew's art show at school and the new bird's nest/bird watch we have going on on our front porch, but will save that for another post for another day.

Please continue to pray for Annette and Stellan and the others on the right hand of the screen. Go check out their sites to read more of their stories.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for partying with us Saturday. McLain had a great time with the boys and loves his comic book!

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