Thursday, April 9, 2009

And soo......

in my last post I mentioned how I would write about Matthew's art show from his school. Well I guess I technically won't be "writing" about it so much as showing some pictures. Since he is at a different school this year I wasn't so sure how they did their art show. Well each age level works together and has different themes in the different rooms.

One classroom was a 4th of July/American Summer type theme...

The next room, which happened to be Matthew's actual classroom, had an igloo type feel...

The next room was kinda like an art gallery with stuff here and there, didn't get any pictures outta that room. In the last room it was a western theme.

Well...Blogger is not letting me upload anymore pictures so when it decides to let me I will add the rest of the pictures.
*Edited to Add* (adding rest of the pictures and stories from the artshow...
This is the last room and like I said before it was a western theme.

Each class did a "quilt" too...

This next picture shows how absolutely thrilled Steven was to be there...

And if you believe that he wanted so much to be there, then I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.

Ending with Matthew and his teachers...

Thank you for bearing with me in this extremely long post.


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